And The Most Dangerous Intersection In San Francisco For Pedestrians Is….?
The San Francisco MTA reports that the Tenderloin or 6th Street corridor from Market to Howard street has the highest number of injured pedestrians in San Francisco. The intersections of 6th Street / Market Street and Golden Gate / Taylor accounted for eleven reported pedestrian injury collisions in the 2006 to 2008 time period. These numbers only account for cases that resulted in the filing of a formal police report. From the paper by Sciortino, et. al., “San Francisco pedestrian injury surveillance: Mapping, under-reporting, and injury severity in police and hospital records” published in Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 37, Issue 6, November 2005, Pages 1102-1113, we know that San Francisco underestimates the number of injured pedestrians in town by at least 21%; so the numbers in the 6th Street corridor are even worse that what is actually being reported by San Francisco MTA. The question is what is the City’s plan to improve pedestrian safety in the Tenderloin? For more information go to: