Fear, what have you been up to lately?
I was recently asked about my fear. As a trial lawyer, how do I deal with fear? First I identify it, so it does not grow in my mind. Recognizing your fear will allow you to look at it for what it is, a silly, yappy voice in your head that can be managed and turned into a support. Let’s take a look:
You, “Hi fear, we need to talk, You are being a pain in the butt!”
Fear, “I am just here to keep you safe. Make sure you don’t stick your neck out and get hurt!”
You, “You make me feel anxious and nervous, please stop. All your fussing just keeps me from growing and taking risks!”
Fear, “I am just trying to protect you. I am a big fan of what you are doing. Go for it! I got you! I am here to support you, motivate you, and help you get your work done, so you can crush it!”
You, “Thank you for that Fear, I misunderstood what you were doing to me. I appreciate the support.”
Fear, “You are welcome. Much Love to you and your dreams. I am here if you ever want to talk again.”
Have a talk and discover your friend fear is a support, like a friend there to take you to the next level.