Yield to Life: Safety Tips

Yield to Life is a non-profit organization devoted to creating a safer environment for cyclists. The organization was created by cyclist David Zabriskie. Their website has excellent safety tips for both drivers and cyclists.

The most preventable or common accident scenario involving a bicycle in San Francisco is the right turning vehicle striking the cyclists and just as common is the parked vehicle opening their door into an approaching cyclist. The Yield To Life safety tips suggest cyclists, “watch for parked cars where people may be opening doors on the driver side of the vehicle without looking.” We strongly agree. Yield To Life also suggests that cyclists “… make sure you never pass on the right. This is always dangerous, but particularly so in an intersection. By waiting directly behind a vehicle, you can see a car’s signals; otherwise, you never know if the motorist is about to make a right turn and hit you.” We also believe riding in this manner will lessen your chances of being struck by a right turning vehicle.

Check out the Yield to Life safety tips, they are well written and important for both drivers and cyclist to remember at all times.