Litigation Over Noncompete Agreements Up 61%

According to the Wall Street Journal, litigation over noncompete agreements has risen 61%in the past decade – a number that may be low considering most cases are settled out of court and not reported. Long considered the standard for senior management employment contracts, noncompetes are becoming increasingly common at all levels of employment as a…

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Minimum Wage Violations Now Also Enforced by Labor Commissioner

Assembly Bill 240 this bill amends California Labor Code Section 98 and 1194.2 and allows employees to recover liquidated damages in labor Commissioner proceedings for claims alleging they they were paid less than California’s minimum wage. Existing law had allowed liquidated damages, for minimum wage violations, only in a civil court action. Now employees and…

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Outlook for 2013: The New Year

I have been reading Sam Walton Made in America My Story by Sam Walton with John Huey. David Glass is quoted at page 39 as follows: “Two things about Sam Walton distinguish him from almost everyone else I know. First, he gets up every day bound and determined to improve something. Second, he is less…

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Survey Says: Cell Phone Use is Biggest Safety Risk on the Road

The California Office of Traffic Safety recently released the results of a survey. According to the results of the survey, the three biggest safety problems on our roadways are (1) Talking on the cell phone, (2) Texting on the cell phone, and (3) Speeding and aggressive driving. The survey results show that talking on the cell…

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Bike Lanes Coming To Golden Gate Park!

According to, the eastern portion of John F. Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park could have a newly designed bicycle lane by the end of the year. Instead of the conventional bicycle lane that allows cyclists to bike alongside cars on San Francisco streets, the new design ideally provides more safety for cyclists. The…

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Culture of Driving and Using Cell Phones Must Change

Last year, a fatal crash involving a Duck Tour boat and a barge in Philadelphia was caused by the use of a cell phone and laptop while operating a nautical vehicle. The Duck Tour boat had engine problems and stalled on the water, but the pilot of tugboat pulling the barge did not see the…

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Attorney Referral Program

How Referrals Work? A percentage of our practice stems from other attorneys. We specialize in trying cases because of our resources and experience. We are often brought in when a case fails to settle. In other situations, a client is directed to us at the outset, and we sign the client to our contract as…

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Bike Accident Statistics In The Bay Area

The Bay Citizen has compiled data about the Bay Area’s bicycle accidents, and it reveals some alarming statistics. According to this data, Santa Clara, Alameda, and San Francisco counties rank as the three counties with the most bicycle accidents. The statistics also reveal that over half (52%) of the accidents reported in this study…

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