Information for Workers

No matter what your position you hold at work – be sure to read about the latest changes in employment law in San Francisco and the State of California.
Federal Resources
EEOC: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
State Resources
Department of Fair Employment and Housing Info for Workers
Applying for Unemployment Insurance: Employment Development Department (EDD)
If you believe you are misclassified as an independent contractor you can still apply for unemployment. If you have been laid off as an independent contractor, apply for unemployment insurance with the Employment Development Department. If the EDD determines that you have been misclassified, you will likely receive unemployment benefits and the employer could be fined.
Start your unemployment application here Disaster Unemployment Assistance:
Governor Newsom’s Executive Order of March 12:
Benefits for Workers impacted by CORONA
Local – Bay Area Resources
Helpful Information from the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation:
En Espanol:
Centro Legal
Legal Aid at Work
COVID Resources for Undocumented Workers
Recommended Resources